Our Capabilities
Earthwork, Grading & Site Preparation
- Mass Earthwork and Grading
- GPS Layout and Machine Control
- Deep Excavations
- Dewatering
- Erosion Control
- Soil Stabilization
- Demolition
- Stone Base Placement
Bridge, Piling & Foundation
- Single- and Multi-Span Bridges
- Three- and Four-Sided Box Culverts
- Sheet Pile Walls
- Cofferdams
- H-Pile Foundations
- Concrete Foundations
- Concrete Spillways
- Storm and Sanitary Sewer Pump Stations
- Soundwalls
- MSE Walls
- Gabion Walls
Storm, Sanitary & Water Utilities
- Municipal Water and Sewer Work
- Commercial and Residential Site Utilities
- Sewer Lift Station Rehabilitation and Construction
- Deep Sewer Installation
- Pipe Slip Lining
- Roadway Underdrains
- CCR Handling
- Mine Development
- Solar Energy
- Ash Pond Closures
- Landfill Construction
Concrete Flatwork
- Sidewalks
- Curb Ramps
- Driveways
- Equipment Pads
- Spillways
Civil General Contracting
Blankenberger Brothers, Inc. has the personnel, equipment, experience, and bonding capacity to act as the prime contractor on civil construction projects of all sizes. We have experience in mine development, commercial sites, industrial projects, residential developments, state highways, and public utilities in the form of design/bid/build as well as design/build projects.